Sunday, January 24, 2010

Alexander McQueen has been having a knack for quirky men's shirting and spring/summer '10 was no exception. Drawing inspiration from art movements, McQueen is able to make wearable art, as fashion is often called.

Unlike art these clothes feel effortless; like you could, would, and should just slip them on after rolling out of bed to get ready for a day of painting (take note of the paint splattered pants, a more literal translation). Reminds me of my childhood days plopping excessive amounts of tempera paint onto paper and accidentally (or not so accidentally) getting it all over myself, only more artsy and alternative as McQueen would serve it up. Surrealistic with touches of cubism and all together down right ironic (I mean, check out that hand/finger painting, not exactly like those wholesome turkeys you made in 2nd grade using your hand print).I particularly adore the cuffed, rolled up pants that give the most well cut shirt whim and ease. Also, the shoes are aged; scruffed and buffed so they look walked in and utilitarian. All in all, these clothes look like pieces that have belonged in an artist's wardrobe for years.

Photos courtesy of Alexander McQueen

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